Advanced Information Systems Group

Although reality is one, the way it is perceived and represented day by day is multiple. From this premise, the Group of Advanced Information Systems (IAAA, https://www.iaaa.es) works to model reality by linking it to a place on Earth at a moment in time. When a part of reality has been properly modeled taking into account its location, its size, its shape, and how it changes over time, it becomes geographic information. Geographic information can be integrated into decision-making and process optimization systems, used to give more meaning to other data with which it is linked, exploited in algorithms and workflows of the most diverse fields of application, and put available to those who need it. The interest in always taking all these possibilities one step further is what drives the IAAA's lines of research, which include the modeling of geographic information, its semantic characterization, integration with other data linked in the form of knowledge graphs, and the geographic information infrastructures, which provide the technological support for the efficient exploitation of the same.

The IAAA works on the creation of knowledge and basic technology, but also on its transfer to industry and society. In its more than 25 years of history (the group was founded in 1993), collaboration with companies and public administrations has been a constant. Transferring research results, collaborating in R + D + i projects and contracts, and giving advice and consulting on their lines of research and on technological innovation issues in which experience has been acquired during research activity. In addition, the Research Group actively participates in the preparation of dissemination publications, and the support of technological events of diffusion and dissemination related as the Space Apps hackathon.


Towards a sustainable Open Data ECOsystem

Addressing the core challenge of realizing an open, circular and inclusive user-driven data ecosystem
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Discrete global grid systems as a new geospatial framework to support the digital transformation in the agricultural sector

Avanzar en el conocimiento y crear la tecnología necesaria para establecer una infraestructura de información geoespacial para datos modelizados sobre un DGGS
Ministerio ciencia e innovacion