Transfer of results

The transfer of research results is one of the strengths of the I3A.

Approximately 50% of the total project income is in collaboration with the productive environment. 

Collaboration with companies and institutions is remarkable, as evidenced by the number of new projects under implementation and active contracts, involving all types of companies (in terms of size, type and geographical location). 

The transfer results of the Institute in terms of patents are relevant, coming mostly from the collaboration of I3A groups with the company BSH.


2023 data:



Projects with companies


Active contracts


M€ of funding




How we can collaborate:

  • R&D projects in collaboration or with professionals hired by private companies and public institutions.
  • Use of our facilities and technologies, in addition to our catalog of services.
  • Assistance to companies through high-level scientific and technical consulting.
  • Licensing of intellectual property by the University of Zaragoza - I3A.

Feel free to contact us


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