I3A News

The application of Artificial Intelligence, digital biomarkers or computational models adds to the search for answers to cardiac arrhythmias, the brain-heart relationship or obstructive sleep apnoea.
The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society has recognised his career this year with the ‘2024 Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education Award’. He is the only Spaniard to have received this award since its creation.
The work of Lorenzo Mur and Carlos Plou, from the Robotics, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence research group, was awarded at the International Congress ‘Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition’, held in Seattle.
Researchers from the Fluid Dynamic Technologies group of the I3A participate in the design and deployment of the digitisation strategy with hybrid digital twins and data science.
Two research groups combine their scientific work on 3D models that recreate tumours and analytical chemistry techniques to open up new, less invasive diagnostic avenues to improve patient prognosis.
The Industrial Electronics Society has awarded him the Rudolf Chope International Award for Research and Development. He was the only Spaniard to receive this award within the IEEE, the largest technical professional organisation in the world.
His project, VISIONSAFE, has received 1.5 million euros in the Starting Grant call. Its proposal focuses on the use of medical imaging applied to age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts and corneal ectasia.
They are part of the BSiCoS group and the AMB group, where they will develop their lines of research, related to cardiovascular diseases and artificial intelligence and digital twins.
The I3A Unizar research group, Howlab, is working to make monitoring technologies adapt to animals and not the other way around.
The Test-of-Time Award, given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), will be presented at the end of the month in Denver during the most important international computer graphics conference, SIGGRAPH.
A recognition of his outstanding contributions to virtual reality, computational imaging and the perception of material appearance, areas in which he conducts research at the I3A - University of Zaragoza.
Five of the 90 scientific papers presented were recognised by the jury that assessed them at the XIII Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras (13th Conference of Young Researchers).
It will take place on Wednesday 26 June, starting at 9 a.m., in the Assembly Hall of the Betancourt Building on the Río Ebro Campus (Calle María de Luna, 3).
He is the first Aragonese and the first engineer to hold this post, which he will hold for four years.
The young man has received the prize for the best Final Degree Project in Chemical Engineering awarded by the COGITIAR Chair and the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza.
The University of Zaragoza achieves important European backing to attract young talent of excellence with the incorporation of a total of five postdoctoral researchers and funding of nearly 900,000 euros.
The prototype has been created within the LIFE ZeroEnergyMod project, winner in Spain of the Energy Globe World Award, the most recognised environmental award in the world and one of the five finalists at international level
Pablo Bañares Suescun, a graduate in Industrial Technologies, won this year's award for Best Master's Thesis for his ‘Study of the combustion of hydrogen-methane mixtures in partial premix burners’.
The grant package comes from the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, through the NextGenerationEU Funds of the Recovery Plan.
The European project 4D PICTURE investigates so that the oncology patient arrives at shared decision-making moments with the best information and for this it is necessary to know their experience during treatment.
Two balloons with citizen science experiments travelled 120km from Calamocha to the Sierra de Alcubierre. The first one reached 32,251 metres and the second one 32,658 metres.
His thesis focuses on the development of mathematical models to simulate cell adaptation in tumour evolution, in particular for glioblastoma, a tumour with a very low survival rate.
The I3A Unizar's Robotics group and researchers from Stanford University have developed a cinematic system that opens up new opportunities in cinema and autonomous recording systems.
Co-funded by the European Union and the EIP, it involves the I3A Unizar together with research groups and companies from Finland, Sweden and the United States.
Researchers from I3A Unizar will lead the ENIA Chair, awarded by the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, together with the ESI Group and L' École Nationale Supérieure d' Arts et Métiers de Paris.
30% of girls with cancer later have problems becoming mothers. The TME Lab research group, with funding from Aspanoa through its chair with the University, wants to improve the technique of ovarian tissue preservation.
The five students, members of the I3A's Energy and CO2 research group, awarded €12,000 and Repsol grants for their innovative proposal to decarbonise the steel industry through biomass and power-to-gas.
They presented some of the actions that have led to the transfer of research results to society and the social robot that is part of the PLEISAR project they have just launched.