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The goal of CURABONE is the development and combination of different technologies to achieve patient-specific treatments in the case of bone fractures. Especially, it will focus on shoulder prostheses and knee prostheses, maxillofacial surgery and tissue engineering. The goal is to help doctors make the best decisions for each patient and plan their rehabilitation therapies. To achieve this, multi-scale strategies will be developed describing the problem from the biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system to the mechano-biological processes at the cellular level.
The CURABONE project, ITN-EID of the Marie Curie actions financed by the European Commission (GA no 722535, H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016), is formed by a consortium of universities, companies and hospitals for the implementation of a European Industrial Doctorate (2017-2021). It is the first project of this type to be coordinated from the University of Zaragoza with a total budget of over 1.2 million euros.