Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation
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El grupo Biomedical Signal Interpretation and Computational Simulation  (BSICoS) centra su actividad en el procesamiento, interpretación y simulación computacional de señales biomédicas.

El principal objetivo del grupo es el desarrollo de métodos de procesamiento de señales biomédicas, impulsados por la fisiología, para la interpretación personalizada (diagnóstico, pronóstico y terapia) de las condiciones de los sistemas nervioso cardiovascular, respiratorio y autónomo y sus interacciones.

El objetivo es mejorar el impacto de las TIC en la salud y comprender mejor el funcionamiento de los sistemas biológicos que se pueden observar a través de señales no invasivas. Para ello es clave trabajar con equipos clínicos y grupos de investigación que combinen las experiencias de las dos áreas, dirijan la investigación para resolver problemas clínicos relevantes y faciliten la transferencia de resultados a la práctica clínica.


Implementation and validation of a closed-loop neural interface to entrain brain rhythms and reduce motor symptoms in Parkinson's Disease

To develop a non-invasive neuromodulation platform to apply closed-loop stimulation protocols synchronized with brain oscillations decoded from the periphery with muscle recordings
Horizonte Europa , MSCA

Methods for Stroke Monitoring and Diagnosing based on BCG

To develop novel, non-invasive methods for detecting cardiac and non-cardiac disease in stroke patients using the ballistocardiogram (BCG) signal, allowing for patient monitoring without transfer to clinical settings
Horizonte Europa , MSCA

multI-discipliNary, multi-Sectoral and multi-national trainIng network on Digital biomarkErs for supraventricular arrHythmia charactErizAtion and Risk assessmenT

Establishing a multi-disciplinary network to tackle the design and the early-phase validation of digital biomarkers, specifically targeting the diagnosis of supraventricular arrhythmias (SVAs) and their associated potential for adverse risk assessment, via the joint combination of signal processing, artificial intelligence and non-clinical devices.
Horizonte Europa , MSCA

Extracting the Human Motor Null Space from Muscles - A new framework to measure human neural activity

ECHOES will capitalize on recent breakthroughs in decoding the spinal outputs to muscles to develop a theoretical and experimental framework to unveil the 'motor null space' in human muscles.
Horizonte Europa , ERC

Customised DNA-based nanocarriers to boost heart healing

DNABEATS aims to bring advanced materials to regenerate injured myocardium.
Agencia Estatal de Investigación

By developing biological ventricular assist devices (BioVADs), BRAV3 will bring a quantum leap in regenerative medicine and its translation towards the clinic, as well as impact the development of novel medical technologies whilst greatly advancing our knowledge on human heart development.

To validate technically and clinically novel methods to understand, and give support to tremor diagnosis.
Agencia Estatal de Investigación