The University of Zaragoza has paid a warm tribute to Professor Rafael Bilbao, who passed away on 3 January this year. For 45 years he was linked to the University of Zaragoza: he was the first director of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies, the first director of the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA), director of the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) between 2007 and 2011, president of the University Senate and director of the chairs with Urbaser and Veralia. But, above all, Rafael Bilbao was a wise, honest and tireless worker. Something that has been remembered today by those who were his friends and those who worked with him.
His figure and his legacy, his good deeds, his conciliatory and dialoguing nature, his way of understanding life, permeated the tribute that was held in the Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza, which was presided over by the Rector José Antonio Mayoral.
Speakers included the director of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies, Javier Herguido; the dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Luis Morellón; representatives of the Thermochemical Processes research group and other Spanish universities, the director of the I3A, Jesús Arauzo; the director general of Science and Research of the Government of Aragon, Pilar Gayán, and the director of the EINA, José Antonio Yagüe. The event was conducted by the researcher of its Thermochemical Processes Group (GPT), José Luis Sánchez.
If there was one thing that made Professor Bilbao stand out, it was his dedication and commitment to his work, to the University, as Javier Herguido explained in his overview of his academic career, in which he highlighted his teaching ability, his overall vision for the common good and his work to bring science to the company. A journey in which ‘his close and familiar manner’ was always present.
For his part, Jesús Arauzo, current director of the I3A, dedicated some moving words to his great friend, a research partner since the beginning in 1983. ‘His figure covers almost the entire life of the Institute’, recalled Arauzo, who was able to “consolidate the work from a forward-looking perspective and despite the unfavourable times, but always thinking of it as a benchmark in technology transfer”.
The Thermochemical Processes research group (GPT), which he founded and directed, has joined this tribute. The researcher, Uxue Alzueta, highlighted Rafa Bilbao's ‘involvement and absolute dedication to his work’, ‘always willing to help and generously share his wisdom’, and stressed that his legacy ‘is present in the day-to-day work’ of the research group.
As Jesús Arauzo announced, from now on, the Thermochemical Processes Laboratory will bear the name of Rafael Bilbao and this will be shown on the plaque that will be placed on the doors of the building.
Rafael Bilbao was a national benchmark in Chemical Engineering, a professor with a great vocation and teaching ability and a man capable of facing exciting technological challenges and the difficulties of the world of research. His dedication to his beloved university and city is fondly remembered by his colleagues, friends and family, who have recalled many moments of his professional career and his life.
He was always committed to young talent and to giving opportunities to new generations to continue growing through knowledge and science. Everyone agreed on his optimism and the way he saw life, from the positive side, and as one of his daughters said, ‘always grateful to life’.
Vídeo Acto Homenaje Prof. Rafa Bilbao
Photographs: Communication Office of the University of Zaragoza