Simulation models and control techniques in river hydraulics

The simulation of environmental problems has greatly benefited from the evolution of computers in terms of computing power, storage capacity and interconnection. However, high-performance computing systems are increasingly complex and their efficient use requires the combination of high-resolution numerical methods with a conscious programming architecture. When trying to simulate events lasting several days, the need to speed up the calculation time becomes essential if the predictive nature of the tool is to be preserved.

Going one step further, it is possible to apply the mentioned tools to solve the inverse problems of parameter calibration, initial condition or reconstruction of optimal boundary condition by means of the so-called attached formulation. This opens a new field for a future where complex simulation tools are not only used to predict but also to optimize processes. The group has extensive experience in the development of new numerical tools for PDE flow models, their dynamics and control, being a world leader in modeling and numerical simulation of complex free surface flows
