Design for Safety


The Design for Safety -D4S- (T70-23D) research group aims to involve society in the promotion of safety and accident prevention, both in domestic and professional environments related to emergencies and rescues. The target audience of the research results will be primarily emergency professionals, with a special focus on members of the fire fighting and civil protection services. On the other hand, these results will also be focused on sectors of the population not linked to this professional field, making them participants in the research and recipients of its results. D4S aims to take into account existing risks, while taking into account others that are expected to become increasingly common. Among the latter, we can highlight those related to sustainable mobility, as well as those derived from the increasingly common use of hydrogen, Aragon being a clear promoter of this.

The research carried out at D4S is framed in the field of design and engineering based on the following lines.

In addition to the research activity, a good percentage of D4S members are also involved in teaching at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza, as well as in the Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and in PhD studies.


Design-based Data-Driven Decision-support Tools: Producing Improved Cancer Outcomes Through User-Centred Research

The EU funded 4D PICTURE project will continue the development of the Metro Mapping methodology to redesign care paths, including novel DSTs. Innovative algorithms and AI-based models incorporating patient experiences and preferences will facilitate treatment decision-making.The objective is to develop data driven DSTs for patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma. The novel DSTs will be evaluated to ensure their ability to address medical, social and ethical issues.
Horizonte Europa

Completed projects (since 2020)

Project End year