The Biomedical Division of the I3A showcases the contributions of engineering to healthcare

The Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) and the Aragon Institute for Health Research (IIS) share their projects and lines of work at a conference held at the CIBA.

The Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) and the Aragon Institute for Health Research (IIS Aragon) held a working and networking day yesterday, with the aim of bringing clinicians and researchers from the IIS and the Biomedical Engineering Division of the I3A closer to the lines of work they have underway, the possibilities of seeking the implementation of projects together.

At the conference held at the CIBA in Zaragoza, the needs of both institutes were presented, as well as the solutions that can be provided through a collaborative strategy. Six research groups from the Biomedical Engineering division of the I3A attended this meeting in which thirteen researchers and researchers presented the success stories and joint initiatives that are already being carried out.

María Ángeles Pérez-Ansón, coordinator of the Biomedical Division of the I3A, assessed the conference positively, "it was very participative and the presentations of the different researchers opened up new lines of collaboration, but it also served to make visible the joint work that is already being carried out and that is why it is important that we hold meetings of this type to continue promoting projects that right now require multidisciplinary teams".

For his part, the director of the I3A, Pablo Laguna, who inaugurated the conference, together with the director of IIS-Aragon, Ángel Lanas, highlighted the objective sought, "to visualise and promote collaborations between the clinical sector and the more technological and engineering sector, so in that sense I would say that the event has been a success because the activity of the groups and projects that are working well in collaboration have been presented, while opening the door to many future possibilities, most showing their clinical applications that can be extrapolated to other fields".

In this sense, it was possible to learn about lines of research related to oncology, rehabilitation, occupational health or cardiovascular health; the importance of data to improve diagnoses or advances in imaging for the approach to different pathologies.

The I3A research groups BSiCoS, HOWLab, IDERGO, M2BE, TMELab and UIF attended.

Researchers who presented their work from the two institutes: Esther Pueyo, Alejandra González, José Miguel Tricas, Javier Marín Boné, Iñaki Ochoa, Miguel Ángel Martínez Barca, Jaime Ibáñez, María Ángeles Pérez-Ansón, Raquel Bailón, Alberto Jiménez Schumacher, Ángel Lanas, Pablo Herrero and José Manuel Ramírez.
