Arturo Mediano, the researcher who works to prevent electromagnetic interference from electronic equipment.

The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society has recognised his career this year with the ‘2024 Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education Award’. He is the only Spaniard to have received this award since its creation.
Arturo Mediano

Arturo Mediano, professor and researcher at the I3A (Aragon Engineering Research Institute) at the University of Zaragoza, has devoted his research and teaching career to the design and solution of problems associated with electromagnetic interference in electronic products and systems, known as Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). He has been transferring his work to companies for 30 years and has given hundreds of courses and seminars for companies and institutions all over the world.

This year, the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society wanted to recognise his career and work with the ‘2024 Excellence in Continuing EMC Engineering Education Award’. He is the only Spaniard to receive this award since it was created.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is an engineering discipline that aims to ensure that the electronic equipment that surrounds us does not generate or receive interferences that cause its operation to deteriorate, in some cases even causing life-threatening situations.

As the researcher explains, ‘electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility have been crucial for technological development, as they ensure that electronic devices can operate without interfering with each other. In the coming years, the importance of electromagnetic compatibility will be even greater due to the growth of radio frequency communication networks, electric vehicles and, in general, the use of faster technologies that will create more complex electromagnetic environments. Controlling interference will be key to ensuring safety, reliability and performance in sectors such as automotive, telecommunications, defence and health.

Arturo Mediano also stresses that the training of electronics professionals in this field ‘will be fundamental to the success and competitiveness of companies, enabling them to design products that meet rigorous international standards and respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving market’.

The award from the IEEE EMC Society ‘recognises an outstanding EMC engineering educator who has shared his or her technical and professional skills through teaching in industry, government, or continuing education institutions outside of academia. It recognises excellence in the design, delivery and support of courses and continuing education programmes in fields of interest to EMC engineering; the ability to inspire students; and contributions to education and innovations in EMC engineering education.

This award is presented by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Electromagnetic Compatibility Society, the world's largest technical professional organisation, which brings together more than 450,000 engineers, scientists, technologists and professionals in more than 160 countries who are dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of society.

Arturo Mediano, born in Calatayud in 1966, holds a PhD in industrial engineering from the University of Zaragoza, is a senior member of the IEEE and president of the Spanish Chapter of EMC in Spain.

He began his professional career with Balay S.A. (now BSH Electrodomésticos España), where he entered the EMC field.

Since 1993, he has been a lecturer at the University of Zaragoza in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Communications. He has also been visiting professor on several occasions at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne (Switzerland) and at the Institute National Des Télécommunications (INT) in Evry (France).

He is a researcher in the Power Electronics and Microelectronics Group (GEPM) at the I3A. He has a long experience in the design of radio frequency systems for different fields of application. His main line of research is the design and solution of electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility problems in electronic equipment and electronic installations. 

It has also been collaborating with companies for 30 years, especially in technology transfer and consultancy in sectors such as consumer, industry, automotive, defence, communications and medicine.

Arturo Mediano is a Senior Member of the IEEE, member of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (member of the Education and Student Activities Committee ESAC and President of the EMC Spanish Chapter). He is also a member of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and of its MTT-20 committee (HF/VHF/UHF technology) of which he was President from 2013 to 2016.)

Since 2023, he has been president and instructor of the Clayton R. Paul Global University, an international event that takes place annually in the United States for three days as part of the IEEE EMC+SIPI Symposium. The award was officially presented to him at the last congress held in the city of Phoenix (Arizona) in August 2024.

Information about the IEEE Award: