El próximo viernes 21 de febrero, a las 12h., en el Aula A07 del Ada Byron, tendrá lugar el seminario Renault Group: Driving Innovation for Smarter and Safer Vehicles on the Road, impartido por Irene Cortés (PhD. Researcher at the Renault group).
Abstract: Environmental perception plays a crucial role in the continuous improvement of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and the development of autonomous driving technologies. In this talk, we will explore how Renault Group integrates innovative solutions in these two technological pillars to foster smarter and safer mobility.
We will delve into the distinct challenges and technological requirements for each application, highlighting how sensor selection, algorithm design, and processing unit choices vary depending on the specific objectives and operational contexts of the system. From the perception systems essential for autonomous vehicle decision-making to the validation methodologies ensuring the safety and robustness of ADAS in conventional vehicles, this session will provide an in-depth view of the cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of automotive perception.
Información detallada del seminario en este enlace
Esta actividad se enmarca en el Máster de Robótica, Gráficos y Visión por Computador.