Housing, City and Environment

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This line recognizes housing as a balance between society, city and territory. The Spanish and Aragonese reality have imposed a new model of making housing and the city, based on the regeneration of fragments of the city. On the other hand, the verification of the problem of climate change has highlighted the need for a new productive and cultural model based on the balance between social, environmental and economic factors, which affects all sectors worldwide, being that of the housing and cities one of those that most require evolution.

In this line of research, the objective is to approach the study of housing and the city based on approaches on environmental, social and economic sustainability, as well as on architectural quality, in order to produce alternative tools for the contemporary project. We understand that the housing project and that of endowment buildings in the built city must be able to recognize the historical and cultural development of the same, respond to the ways of living and current social problems, be oriented towards the improvement of sustainability and habitability of buildings and bet on the enhancement of intermediate spaces in relation to the city. In these projects, the diagnosis of urban areas is essential through different methods, which include the use of energy simulation software, BIM, GIS, etc. as well as the development of graphic models for evaluating the vulnerability and opportunities of the areas and the quality of urban regeneration interventions.
