VPHi - a number of activities for our members!

Dear VPHi members,

These are busy months for the VPH Institute. For those of you who didn't have the chance to participate the VPH2022 conference in Porto and attend our GA, we would like to give you a quick update:

  • Statutory changes: The VPHi is currently undergoing a statutory change to meet some Belgian legal requirements, but especially to increase the participation of the community and initiate a transition toward a new model more similar to scientific societies. If you're interested to contribute to this process, you're welcome to join our Statutory Committee, by sending an email to manager@vph-institute.org
  • EDITH (Ecosystem for Digital Twins in Healthcare) Coordination and Support Action: Led by the VPHi, this CSA kicked off on 11 Oct 2022. EDITH is granted funding of 5 million Euro by the European Commission (DG CNECT) under the Digital Europe Programme. Its aims is to foster an inclusive ecosystem for Digital Twins in healthcare in Europe and prepare a strategic roadmap for its wider development, integration and uptake. More info on: www.edith-csa.eu/2022/10/11/edith-kick-off-meeting. We’ll be opening the participation to non-consortium members in the coming months. If you are interested to be kept in the loop, you can sign up here: www.edith-csa.eu/sign-up.
  • Working Groups and Task Forces: In synergy with the Avicenna Alliance we currently have 3 main working groups and a number of related task forces that focus on overcoming the different barriers that stand toward the full adoption of in silico medicine. As VPHi member you have the chance to collaborate with the key experts in the field from both industry and academia to make in silico medicine a reality. You can download our brochure with the complete overview of the Avicenna WGs here. Besides this, we’ll be starting a medical community outreach working group within the VPHi. Let us know if you wish to get involved in any of these working groups or task forces by sending an email to manager@vph-institute.org.
  • Join the new VPHi Student Committee: The call for participation for the new VPHi student committee is now open! We are looking for motivated PhD students and postdocs up to 2 year after obtaining their PhD with interest in in silico medicine research and who are willing to actively participate in the life of the community. The committee members will have the opportunity to collaborate with the VPHi to implement a number of activities, such as our webinar serie, the VPH Summer school, mentoring activities and many more. Application deadline: 15 Nov 2022. More info on www.vph-institute.org/news/join-the-new-vphi-student-committee.html