VPHi: Avicenna Alliance members only webinar: "Supercomputer-based populations of Virtual Human Twins for the cardiovascular realm" (8 November 2022 at 5pm CET)

The next Avicenna Alliance Members Webinar is planned for 8 November 2022 at 5pm CET
Title: "Supercomputer-based populations of Virtual Human Twins for the cardiovascular realm" hosted by Mariano Vázquez from ELEM Biotech.

This initiative is available to all Avicenna Alliance and VPHi members ONLY.

In this talk Mariano will present results on the usage of supercomputing facilities to perform in-silico clinical trials on populations of Virtual Human Twins.
He will briefly discuss the algorithms, show some examples, mostly, of the cardiovascular system and draw some conclusions and future work.
He will also highlight the importance of high performance computing and future supercomputer architectures.

Short bio
Mariano Vázquez (MV), PhD, is co-founder, President, and CTO of ELEM Biotech, and since 2005, he has co-led the Alya Project in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Alya is the parallel multi-physics multi-scale modelling tool which is the core of ELEM's Virtual Humans Population platform, Alya Red. His main research lines fall within Computational Science, such as Computational Bio-Mechanics (particularly Solid Mechanics of organic tissue and Electrophysiology) at the organ and system level. The Alya Red platform is a tool to study the cardiovascular system targeted to biomedical experts in academia, the medical devices sector, and the pharmaceutical industry. Infarction, drugs' cardiac risk, aging, aneurysms rupture risk, arrhythmias, stent design, or drug delivery are among the topics where such a tool can become a decisive help.

You can register and find further information at this link