UNITA networking workshop for future RE research calls (24 November at 4pm CET)

Dear Unita reseachers,

Renewable Energy (RE) is one of the strategic axes of the UNITA alliance. The alliance encourages and supports the development of research collaborations on this theme through:

  1. PhD cotutelle between partners of the alliance (7 theses in cotuelle were launched in 2020 and 2021 with a very high success rate)
  2. The response to European research projects

We invite you to participate on Thursday, November 24th 2022, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, to a dynamic and pragmatic workshop to put in contact researchers of the alliance on topics linked to renewable energy.

The main objective of the workshop is to allow you to identify:

  • relevant contacts among UNITA's partners to develop your research projects
  • thesis topics that you could carry out in co-supervision with a partner in the framework of UNITA
  • project calls-first tracks of international projects and consortia in which you could invest

Agenda of the workshop:

  1. Presentation of the RE hub and presentation of the workshops (15 minutes)
  2. Work in separate groups (1 hour)
    - Solar energy
    - Geothermal energy
    - Hydraulic energy
    - Wind energy
    - Biomass
    - Energy transformation and integration systems - Energy carriers (e.g. hydrogen)
    - Socio-economic, legal and educational aspects of RE
  3. Feedback from the workshops (2 minutes per workshop) and closure (15 min)

This workshop is open to all.

Do not hesitate to spread the information around you.

To participate in these workshops, please fill in the following survey and mention the workshop you would like to attend https://framadate.org/p7SfmJZqf84vdgeW  

Link for the workshop : https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGY0ZmM0NGQtODQ1MC00MjY5LTg3NDYtZDIwNWI1OWNkNmVk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22e21e9783-d0a0-48f8-850e-0b081b46d788%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224b3f80a3-ad58-4067-8384-4af6eb8c73f8%22%7d