Charla "Research Collaboration/Funding Opportunities with the US Navy" (miércoles 8 de febrero, 10h., Dpto. Informática)

Title: Research Collaboration/Funding Opportunities with the US Navy
Speaker: Dr. Mamadou H Diallo, Science Director, Information, Cyber & Spectrum Superiority, US Office of Naval Research Global, London Office
Place and time: Seminario Departamento de Informática e Ing. de Sistemas, Wednesday 8th February at 10:00am

Dr. Mamadou H Diallo is a Science Director for the United States (US) Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global in London, UK. He focuses on Information, Cyber & Spectrum Superiority. He is visiting the University of Zaragoza to promote research collaboration between scientists at the university and their counterparts in the US Naval Research Enterprise (NRE). His presentation will focus on describing the international science tools available within ONR Global to enable the creation of research grant projects. In addition to the presentation, he is available to interact individually with scientists to discuss innovative ideas for new grant projects. The vision of ONR Global is to be the partner of choice for Science and Technology (S&T) leaders.

Short Bio
Dr. Mamadou H Diallo is a Science Director for the United States (US) Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global in London, United Kingdom. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine, US. Prior to joining ONR Global, he was a Science and Technology (S&T) Manager at the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific, San Diego, California. His duties were to conduct, and/or monitor science and technology activities including basic and applied research, advanced technology development, in support of the Navy acquisition programs. His contributions were to help strengthen and broaden the S&T activities within the Cybersecurity Engineering Division and across the center, in particular, in the area of Cybersecurity. He managed multiple research and development projects and was a subject matter expert in others.

With ONR Global, his focus areas are Information, Cyber, and Spectrum Superiority. His responsibilities are to visit international Science and Technology (S&T) institutions to develop access and find cutting-edge science and technology, assesses international innovation in areas of naval interest, provides global technical assessment, follows trends in science and technology, and tracks technological development in specific geographical areas. He initiate and manage grants, link international scientists with the Navy Research Enterprise (NRE), provide global presence, and expand network of global innovators and technologists. Since joining ONR Global in October 2021, he has engaged scientists and leaders in multiple universities, R&D companies, and government agencies in different countries around the world.