Estimados/as investigadores/as,

Os reenviamos la siguiente información sobre la Digit4Circularity Summer School por si pudiera resultar de vuestro interés.

La escuela está abierta a estudiantes de grado, máster y doctorado y jóvenes profesionales de todas las disciplinas y el objetivo es explorar los retos y oportunidades específicos que ofrecen las tecnologías digitales para impulsar los sistemas circulares agroalimentarios.

Los cursos, que se ofrecerán en modalidad virtual, serán impartidos por destacados expertos del mundo académico, la investigación y la industria, y concluirán con un acto final de presentación en el que se concederán premios a los equipos ganadores y se entregará un certificado oficial a todos los participantes.

Are you an undergrad, master student or young professional?

Would you like to deepen your knowledge on the Circular Economy and learn how digital technologies (from AI to IoT) can empower more resilient, sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems?

If so, the EIT Food Summer School "Digit4Circularity" is for you!

The summer school will be delivered fully ONLINE and students will receive an official certificate.

After successfully completing Digit4Circularity, students will be able to:

  • Understand the guiding principles of the circular economy and relate them to neighbouring concepts
  • Investigate what it takes to create products that are easy to repair, refurbish, remanufacture, repurpose, recycle, or recover, using digital technologies
  • Explain drivers and barriers for businesses to implement circular business models and digital platforms to cooperate and share data towards a circular approach
  • Gauge the macro-systemic effects of the transition towards a circular economy
  • Critically reflect upon the circular economy impact on the economic, environmental, and social side

The summer school will conclude with a final pitch event with prizes awarded to the winning teams. Students have the possibility of earning 5 CFU/ECTS.


Part 1 | 30th August – 10th September: Introduction, team building and basics of entrepreneurship (Asynchronous)
Part 2 | 13th – 17th September: Bootcamp with international experts from academia and industry (Synchronous)

The deadline for applications is August 9th 2021.