Innovation in health and education were the focus of this year's final of the II Spin Transfer Programme for researchers at the University of Zaragoza, which awarded four entrepreneurial projects to convert research results into business ideas that add value to society.
The Spin Transfer Programme is a specific training and capacity building programme for the development of university spin-offs that promotes the formation of multidisciplinary teams. This second edition had 30 participants and for three months it brought together researchers and people with entrepreneurial interests to design innovative business models. Six teams defended their entrepreneurial project in an event held at the Paraninfo of the University of Zaragoza.
Among the four Spin Transfer 2024 awards, there were two involving researchers from the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), from the Fluid Dynamic Technologies (TFD) and Tissue Microenvironment (TME Lab) groups, in this case, together with the CSIC.
ULTRAZOUND LAB, proposes an innovative tool for advanced ultrasound quantification, which eliminates subjectivity when interpreting a musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK), optimising its reliability, allowing early detection and accurate monitoring of MSK injuries, especially relevant in athletes or professional teams, as well as for mutual insurance companies or companies. UZ qTool is offered to centres and professionals, as well as the ultrasound assessment itself or advice and training in its use. Researchers from the TFD group are involved in the project.
EVALVE, a project that addresses the challenge of getting faster answers to our problems by making all kinds of advanced analytics more portable, affordable and accessible. To this end, they are developing a low-cost, easy-to-use microfluidic valve platform designed to be integrated into portable diagnostic devices. With the participation of the TME Lab group and CSIC.
The winners receive a double prize, a validation study of commercial interest and a market study, to develop their projects, thanks to the sponsorship of the BSH Chair in Innovation, University of Zaragoza through the OTRI and with the support of Banco Santander, and the Chair on Equality and Gender / Vice-Rectorate of Culture and Social Projection Unizar.
The differentiation of this programme lies in the fact that it connects talent to promote diversity and enrich the teams. Throughout the sessions, they have worked to convert research results into a business model to be validated through workshops with lean startup methodology, taking into account the legal framework for creating university spin-offs and the importance of protecting research results. Participants have also had the opportunity to work on their communication skills, as well as listening to the successful experiences of other researchers founding spin-off companies and visiting the CEMINEM SpinUP business incubator on the Ebro River Campus.
The 6 teams participating in the Programme defended their business proposals in a three-minute elevator pitch format before a jury made up of academics and professionals from the world of business and investment, such as Miguel Ángel Buñuel, Director of Engineering at BSH Spain and President of the Joint Committee of the BSH Chair in Innovation UNIZAR; Víctor Alfaro, Managing Director of Podoactiva; Sergio San Agustín, Investment Director of Clave Capital; Daniel Twal, President of Araban, Aragon's investor network; and Albert Domingo, business angel and CEO of Nextret. Together they have been in charge of offering recommendations to the entrepreneurs about their business initiative and encouraging them to continue working.
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