Public and private collaboration

The I3A has four main ways of collaborating on R&D projects with industry, national, regional and local administrations and any other type of organization.

  • Direct contracts: La I+D se lleva a cabo por los investigadores o grupos del I3A por medio de los fondos aportados por una organización (empresa o institución).
  • Collaborative research: R&D is carried out in collaboration between the I3A and an organization (company or institution) with the cost of the project shared by both institutions. Often times this will mean that the funds required to support our research will have to be obtained from somewhere, typically from regional, national or European programs. For key projects of great interest to us, the I3A can also finance the project with its funds. Initiatives are a specific type of collaborative research.
  • Non-oriented research: They are more fundamental R&D projects, so the research is carried out entirely by the I3A with funds obtained elsewhere. Organizations (companies or institutions) may want to participate by observing the development of the project or the results obtained. In some cases, this could involve sponsorship from the I3A or the group..
  • Agreements: Many times it is necessary to sign some type of agreement to develop a project with the help or collaboration of an organization (institution or company). In most cases, these agreements do not involve any cost to the organization, since they represent a collaboration between two partners on an equal basis, but in specific cases, when the agreement is promoted by an organization, it could be necessary to finance the project or sponsor the Institute or research group.

Confidentiality: I3A may enter into confidentiality agreements to protect confidential information of a company when collaborating with us and also to provide companies with I3A information considered confidential.
Most of these agreements and contracts are managed by the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of the UZ